Chapter Twenty-Four

In this chapter, we are back at Fregene for lunch and to chat about the belief system that both Rossano and Lydia had. I was amazed by some of the stories that Rossano's nephew, Carlo, told me. I have a similar belief system so was very engaged with what he had to tell me. We go into his superstitions, prophetic dreams and what he took from those dreams.

The painting attached is also in the book. During one conversation with Carlo, he told me something that literally made my jaw drop. I thought he'd captured my reaction well! My thanks to Carlo for this painting.

In this chapter, I talk about Rossano's star-sign, Virgo, and had some in-depth reports made about his character traits. These were based on his date, year and time of birth. I promised, in the book, that I would put this on the website and those findings are below. If you've read the book, you'll find this an interesting read. I couldn't believe how close this came to his personality and his family also found it quite unbelievable. 


You take your work seriously and you have the discipline to work without distractions. You are happy to work hard and put the hours in but you are prone to daydream at times and that could hold you back.

You’re intelligent and take pride in a job well done. You are a perfectionist and you expect those who work with you to be the same. As a result, your work colleagues can see you as demanding and unreasonable. Once you start a project, you feel a sense of responsibility to see it through, even if you feel it is not worthwhile. Because you put everything into your career, you have difficulty accepting criticism. Be prepared to experience extreme highs and lows throughout your working life.

You get bored easily so the work you take on needs to excite and stimulate you. In some respects, you are like a child who needs to be kept entertained.

A career involving travel would suit you. Be sure to include women in your circle as they are important in your career development.

You are a natural in front of an audience and display charm. You would excel in a teaching role or something involving public speaking. Philanthropy is also an area that may interest you.

You are passionate about the written word; languages come easily to you. Along with this you may enjoy singing and performing so working in the arts could be an option for you. You also excel at sports and this can be a good outlet for you if bored or restless.

Home, away from work, is important to you and you often prefer ‘quiet’ time, away from crowds.


You’re inquisitive and like to interact with people from all cultures and age groups. You are confident, have a magnetic personality and a large circle of friends. Regardless of how you feel, you remain spirited and energetic when around people. You can be a good mediator.

You are intelligent and have a good sense of humour. Where humour is concerned, you are mischievous and use your verbal skills to ‘play’ with people. Be careful not to do this when you should take things more seriously.

Behind this confidence is a childlike vulnerability. This can cause you to over-react or be over-sensitive when there is no need to be.

Money and security are important to you and you sometimes work harder than you need to because of that. It may be a fear that you won’t have enough. Although you are happy with a simple existence, quality of life is important to you. You love being surrounded by beautiful things and have an interest in fashion and current trends.

Cruelty, coarseness, vulgarity are things you abhor. You are naturally drawn toward those who are polite and courteous.

You may have extreme lows in your life but you always find ways to recover.

You are not keen on responsibility and don’t like being bullied into doing something. You hate tedious everyday chores.

Sports are important to you, as are the arts, the written word and drama.

You are a proud person, warm and caring and, although you love being in the spotlight, deep down you are happy with a quiet life.

You stick up for the underdog, the downtrodden, the ostracized and feel the need to help wherever you can.


Humour and a sense of play is important to you in all relationships, whether romantic or with family and friends. People do not get to know you until they have spent time with you.

You are kind, caring, romantic and loyal but also overly passionate. You are often sexually attracted to others; much of the time, this is matter of impulse.

Your life partner is as much a friend to you as a wife or husband. Either you or your spouse need a degree of independence and must be happy to chat. A quiet partner is not for you. Love affairs help to boost your sense of self.

Bonding with a love interest is important to you. Expressing yourself emotionally and sexually may be an issue for you. You work well with and understand women.

With your partner or spouse, it is important to have someone you can adore and be proud of. You are incredibly loyal and love wholeheartedly.

You need love and attention. You enjoy drama in a relationship and also romantic gestures.

It’s crucial for you to have a ‘soul mate’. You often fall in love and are constantly drawn to others and not always in a platonic way. You can put your desire into practice because you need to be satisfied. Love and sex are important to you.

Relationships with family are fundamental to your well-being. You have nurturing feelings toward them and may cling to those within your immediate family. Your home and country are important to you.

You do not always open up, conversationally, and it is sometimes hard for you to share your true feelings. You can be extremely stubborn once you have decided on something and people cannot influence your thinking if you are in that frame of mind.

You are reluctant to show your intentions and this can cause friction among family and friends. If someone crosses you or threatens you, you can be a powerful foe.


You have a strong belief system with ‘alternative’ views about religion and God. Many of your views will incorporate astrology, numerology and meditation. You may find traditional religion too restrained and will explore other religions and belief systems, even those thought to be unconventional.

You are aware of prophetic visions, have psychic ability and insight into spirit.

The dreams you have can provide you with answers to your life path.

You are interested in astrology and esotericism.

You have visions and believe in fate. You are open to all things spiritual and will encounter experiences that seem impossible.

As a Virgo he should also have been fastidiously tidy. Lydia did say that he was messy around the house and she had to clear up after him. The family clarified her statement. ‘He was messy during the “means” stage of executing something, but unlikely to be like that with the final product.’