Chapter Fourteen

In this chapter, we sit in a beautiful church, formerly know as San Iocapini, in Florence and discuss the Brazzi marriage in quite a bit of detail. I found this chapter one of the most difficult to write but, in some respect, the most satisfying because I'm pretty sure, after sifting through a ream of information, I got everything right. Here are some photos of the inside of the church. Outside, you could easily pass it without even realising a church was there. It is now Greek Orthodox and you need to ring ahead to gain entrance.

The church can be found on the Borgo San Jacopo, a street that runs parallel with the River Arno.

The relationship between Rossano and Lydia was pretty special and, on speaking with Carlo, both of them were extremely fun and social along with being tempestuous and fiery. I was sure of one thing; no matter how much they argued, these two loved each other very much.

This photo was a little grainy to put in the book. Also, as there was uncertainty over who took this photo, I couldn't put it in the book. But, here are the pair of them renewing their wedding vows in this beautiful church.

The discussions with this couple are very enlightening and it is clear that they are like many Italians during that era; love was fun, a game and not to be taken so seriously. Rossano often bemoaned the fact that many other cultures took love far too seriously.

I believe this was taken on the day of the anniversary prior to a private family celebration at a local trattoria..

I speak with Rossano and Lydia separately in this chapter and the reader will get a good sense of the couple's views on their marriage and relationship. It was, what we would call here in England, a typical Italian marriage of the time but they appeared to be very happy together and were married for 41 years before Lydia's death in 1981. 

When I asked Carlo what was most important for his uncle in life, he was quick to respond: Lydia and his home.

Again, we're unsure if these are family photos because they are not of a good quality, hence their reason for not being in the book. 

Rossano helped to save the Pope's life?!!  Yes. 

It's in this chapter. Here are Rossano and Lydia receiving a benediction from the Pope during the renewal of their wedding vows in 1955. 

Where the research was concerned, I wanted to check and double-check this because I could find no information about it online. When I eventually received the verification I wanted, I understood why it had not been spoken about. An interesting story that involved Rossano prior to him becoming a star outside of Italy. 

During my chat with Rossano, we do go into a couple of 'indescretions' that got into the papers. One, famously, became a worldwide story that involved the actress Maria Felix. Quite the story. Another involved the actress Agnes Spaak; again, quite a story.

When I asked the family for any photos that they could share, Rossano's great-nephew, Ben, sent through what they had and they included this image of Rossano with Maria. Rossano admitted that he did 'lose his head' over Maria but that no-one would be good enough to take him away from Lydia. But, he and Maria did have quite the argument when she approached Lydia behind his back.

In this chapter, we get a number of anecdotes and some info from a few Hollywood actresses on Rossano's wooing techniques!

These photos didn't make the book because of the quality and, again, it's not clear whether they are family photos. The one on the left is taken in the Villa Borghese gardens during the 1950s. With her fur coat and, no doubt, wearing plenty of jewellery, I am guessing that they were living in their penthouse apartment at that time; their frugal times behind them.

On the right is a typical scene in the Brazzi household; family sitting down to dinner. Rossano and Lydia rarely sat down to eat on their own. They generally had family or friends join them. In this photo, we see Rossano lighting a cigarette for Lydia. On the far left is Oscar Brazzi; next to him is Lydia's brother, Roberto and, on the far right, nearly out of the shot is Lydia's father.

Here's are a few snaps of the couple that are clearly very staged but that's what the fans loved in those days.